Friends of the Lime Works has an ambitious list of planned projects and ongoing events. Come put your interests and talents to work!
- Restore the Cooperage: Built in 1869, this iconic structure is located adjacent to Coolidge Drive near the Campus main entrance. It was originally used for manufacturing and storing wooden barrels. It is a fascinating structure, designed similar to a covered bridge, and is key to telling the story of lime manufacturing and shipping. Status: stabilization work done in 2009 with a grant from the S. H. Cowell Foundation. Historic American Building Survey documentation and report completed in 2012, with support of a grant from the Community Foundation Santa Cruz County and income from Friends memberships. Currently seeking re-use and funding.
- Restore the Cardiff Shed: This small shed, perhaps dating from the 1860s, was disassembled and reassembled after the completion of archaeological work at the site. Status: Work completed in 2020. Developed school kit; these materials are available through the San Lorenzo Valley Museum.
- Restore the Workers Cabins: Six late-19-century cabins remain; two of them still standing, four of them collapsed, all to be restored. Restoration work began in 2009 with the help of volunteers and donations of funds and materials. Status: Ongoing multi-year project; additional funding and donations of materials needed.
- Publish walking tour brochure for historic features on the upper campus: Status: Rough draft written by student. Need funding for publication.
- Develop walking tour and living history docent program: Status: Self-guided walking tour brochure available at Admissions office and on this website. Volunteers presently give tours to small groups as requested. Funding needed to expand program and offer tours to school groups.
- Conduct archaeological investigations at several sites within the district: Status: This work was conducted for several years through a field study class. UCSC students gained valuable hands-on experience in field archaeology and made some interesting discoveries. Funding for the instructor’s stipend was provided by the Friends and UCSC.
- Develop and distribute curriculum materials focused on the district for elementary school use: Status: A group of UCSC student interns developed curriculum materials for use by local schools. This project was completed.
- Repair historic lime kilns: Four of the seven lime kilns on the campus have damage to their masonry. This needs to be repaired in order to halt further deterioration and to restore them to their original appearance. Status: Have cost estimates; funding needed.